
I regularly see ads announcing Slovenia as the greenest country for tourism. These ads show Slovenia as the most suitable country based on these commitments against climate change and also these investments to keep the nature, the culture and the heritage safe. This country is very beautiful. All rivers have wonderful color. Lakes have crystal...

My travel and daily camera: the Fuji X100F

Last year, I have made a road trip with a friend from Belgium to Slovenia crossing Germany, Swiss, Italy and Austria. It was a very, very cool trip. I have seen mountains and milky way for the first time and that left me a very peaceful sensation. I have taken with me my Nikon D810...

Fuel injectors test

A few weeks ago, my car starts to have a big problem: it stopped in the middle of the road and are not able to start anymore. Spoiler alert: my timing belt has shifted and my motor was broken at this time. I start by having my car towed to my home and start search...