Computer Sciences

Computer Sciences stuff related to Internet of Things or other things…

Connect Browan Femto Lite to AWS IoT Core

How to add a LoRaWAN gateway that is not AWS certified to AWS IoT Core.

Rename USB port on Debian and Raspberry pi

This post has to objective to be able to rename a Zolertia device on a UNIX system this allows to manage multiple devices easily. After the configuration, each time we connect a specific device, it we appear with the same name and not change following the order of discovery. To rename USB devices we need...

Get rid of “FRSRAM” error on Zoul platform [Contiki]

Contiki OS can allow a lot of possibility but with time the firmware take more and more space in memory. We use Zolertia Firefly and Zolertia Remote for our experiments. After enabling TSCH and the Ipv6 stack, the firmware become so large that the memory can become too small for the motes. In practice we...

Specific slotframe in TSCH [Contiki OS]

If you have specific tests to do with Contiki OS and TSCH maybe this post will interest you. Lately, I wanted to have a specific slotframe with TSCH to have a better understanding of TSCH. For this purpose, I needed some timeslots to have congestion-free communications between specific nodes.For example, with tree nodes 1, 2...